New Feature Requests

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Re: New Feature Requests

Post by Enotsremmah »

It would be awesome if there was an option to print out a cue sheet. This is the most user friendly route creator I have found, and for cycling, we use cue sheets so we can read where we are going as opposed to trying to squint at a tiny map. Please and thank you!
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Re: New Feature Requests

Post by ohjosie »

admin wrote:Do you have an idea for a new feature? Would you make use of any of the following features?
  • A fitness log feature allowing you to keep a daily activity log.

    An iPhone/iPod app which keeps track of your location while your running, walking, biking, etc. After you finish your activity, you can save your activity information and later upload it as a route on Map Pedometer.

    The ability to print your map route.

    A calorie calculator.
Please post your feature requests here and/or comment on any of the above features.
Would like to see the "bike Lanes" or Multi use pathways in Arizona. New to the area and would want to be on the roads with little traffic or with bike lanes
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Re: New Feature Requests

Post by enod753 »

Why is there no tie in to google maps app that would give you the turn by turn instructions on your phone.
Running or biking with a map in your hand, doesn't work that well.

You must have had a thousand request like this by now. Google is the only one that has the resources to give turn by turn instructions using a phone app.
Why not just do it?

We would be willing to pay for it!
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Re: New Feature Requests

Post by bobalong »

It would be good to be able to modify the midway points on an existing route.
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Re: New Feature Requests

Post by jaydoubleyou23 »

I would love to have a feature that would show me my location while working out.
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Re: New Feature Requests

Post by kenguest »

A "collapse by day" button on the Activity Log page to get running totals for each day would be useful.
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Re: New Feature Requests

Post by 6000 »

would it be difficult to add a "laps" column to the activity log? this column would multiply the route distance by x to get the total distance for the run. would be useful for me. cheers!

EDIT: i've just realised i can edit the distance for an entry in the log manually. i multiply it by x and note the number of laps in the notes column. that'll do me for now. :)
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Re: New Feature Requests

Post by alwweb »

admin wrote:Currently, you can undo points and recreate them or drag the last point using a mouse. Editing of route points isn't supported. We hope to add that feature soon. Thank you for your suggestion.
jknkcanoes wrote:I'm using the straight line method to make river mileage maps. I'm a new user, so this may exist. I'd like to be able to edit an existing route. When reviewing an existing route I'm finding some points on land and not in the water. Can you make a selected existing route display all nodes. Then be able to move or delete some of the node points to correct the existing route.
Is this still the case? If I don't realize immediately that I don't want a certain point, there is no way to delete or move it without deleting every point on my map?
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Re: New Feature Requests

Post by admin »

Yes, editing routes is not supported.
alwweb wrote:
admin wrote:Currently, you can undo points and recreate them or drag the last point using a mouse. Editing of route points isn't supported. We hope to add that feature soon. Thank you for your suggestion.
jknkcanoes wrote:I'm using the straight line method to make river mileage maps. I'm a new user, so this may exist. I'd like to be able to edit an existing route. When reviewing an existing route I'm finding some points on land and not in the water. Can you make a selected existing route display all nodes. Then be able to move or delete some of the node points to correct the existing route.
Is this still the case? If I don't realize immediately that I don't want a certain point, there is no way to delete or move it without deleting every point on my map?

Re: New Feature Requests

Post by kenedy »

The question that I am concerned about is to ask you guys Is there any way to delete a route????
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