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Multiple Users

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2019 7:24 am
by Taboo+43
Hello! I am working on a fitness badge with a girl scout troop.
My idea is to have the girls "Walk to Spring Break." I would like to have the girls log/report their mileage/steps they have on the pedometers i will be giving them. I want to be able to track the distance traveled for each girl and as a group to see how far they can get before Spring Break. I was hoping to be able to have the girls create their own individual avatars so they could log their miles and track their progress - - - and be able to have everyone in the troop see. I have not had any like finding something like this and was hoping the Map Pedometer would be able to allow us, as a troop, to log and to track our travels. Would I be able to accomplish this using the Map Pedometer? Or is there something else that might work?

Re: Multiple Users

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2019 11:26 am
by admin
Currently, individual users can track there miles or steps using the Map Pedometer Activity Log feature. Unlike map routes, activity log data is kept private and can only be seen by the individual account owner. Your activity group request is a good idea. This could be also used by running clubs, bike clubs, and other groups that want to track individual and/or group progress.

Can you give us some more input as to what you would want in a group report and the accessibility of the group report? For example:

1) Would you want the group report/data to be visible by anyone in the group or just the group leader?
2) Are you looking for a summary report per individual (such as total steps/mileage) or a detailed report with daily information?
3) Approximately how many users would be in the group?
Taboo+43 wrote:Hello! I am working on a fitness badge with a girl scout troop.
My idea is to have the girls "Walk to Spring Break." I would like to have the girls log/report their mileage/steps they have on the pedometers i will be giving them. I want to be able to track the distance traveled for each girl and as a group to see how far they can get before Spring Break. I was hoping to be able to have the girls create their own individual avatars so they could log their miles and track their progress - - - and be able to have everyone in the troop see. I have not had any like finding something like this and was hoping the Map Pedometer would be able to allow us, as a troop, to log and to track our travels. Would I be able to accomplish this using the Map Pedometer? Or is there something else that might work?