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Blue Pins Are Impacting Route Plotting

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2020 5:06 pm
by salty1951
Relative Newbie to the program, but enjoying it so far. I use it to plot out my neighborhood walks. What I've been finding lately is that as I'm plotting out each point, a blue pin will pop up and reroute me to somewhere else. I don't understand what these blue pins are and why they pop up as I'm trying to lay out my route.

Re: Blue Pins Are Impacting Route Plotting

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2020 8:31 am
by admin
Welcome to Map Pedometer. The blue pins are distance markers. They are added to the map while you are creating your map. The distance will be in miles or kilometers depending on which unit you selected in the panel above the map. If you do not want the distance indicators, you can turn them off by unchecking the "Distances markers" checkbox in the panel above the map.
salty1951 wrote:Relative Newbie to the program, but enjoying it so far. I use it to plot out my neighborhood walks. What I've been finding lately is that as I'm plotting out each point, a blue pin will pop up and reroute me to somewhere else. I don't understand what these blue pins are and why they pop up as I'm trying to lay out my route.