Tracing a route path using the elevation graph

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Tracing a route path using the elevation graph

Post by admin »

Map Pedometer has a feature which allows you to trace your route path using the elevation graph. Open the Elevation Graph by clicking on the Elevation Graph link near the upper left of the map. As you hover your mouse pointer over the elevation graph line, a circular "target" will be drawn on the map. The target indicator shows the location of the elevation point on the map. In addition, a small pop-up window shows the elevation next to your mouse cursor. You can trace your mouse along the elevation graph to identify the exact path of your route. You can also resize the elevation graph to make it easier to follow the path along the route.

In the following image, the mouse is hovering just before the 8 mile mark. Above the elevation graph and to the right of the 8 mile marker, a black circular target image appears on the route on the map. The black target image indicates the position of the point plotted on the elevation graph.
ElevationGraphMouseOverPoint.jpg (91.6 KiB) Viewed 113860 times
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