Reliability elevation graph

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Reliability elevation graph

Post by Ivanhoe »

How reliable is the elevation graph? Is it more reliable for certain regions and less for others? I tested it for a track so it shouldn't vary at all, but it varied between 7 and 9 metres altitude. Not reliable at all for that region I would say.
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Re: Reliability elevation graph

Post by admin »

Our elevation data is provided by MapQuest. The coverage area is limited to latitudes between 56°S and 60°N. Some or all of their elevation data is from the SRTM data (Shuttle Radar Topography Mission). The SRTM data is more accurate in the United States. See for accuracy information. We do not know if MapQuest uses other sources to enhance the resolution of their data.

Apparently, for your location, the elevation information shown in the graph is for locations near the track but not exactly on the track. This would be due to the resolution of the elevation data in your area.
Ivanhoe wrote:How reliable is the elevation graph? Is it more reliable for certain regions and less for others? I tested it for a track so it shouldn't vary at all, but it varied between 7 and 9 metres altitude. Not reliable at all for that region I would say.
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