New Feature Requests

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Re: New Feature Requests

Post by admin »

We made a lot of changes to Map Pedometer recently and unfortunately this feature was not implemented during the update. We just added the feature once again. You can now single click on the starting marker to enter a point at the start location.

Please note that you should single click on the start marker and not double click. We no longer use double click operations to enter points since it is not tablet/iPad/Android/cell phone "friendly".
Ivanhoe wrote:Nothing happens when I double click the start marker.
admin wrote:Thank you for your request. We have changed the home page to make it easier to return to the starting point. You can now double click on the starting point marker. This will add a point at the location of the starting point marker. The markers are the same size regardless of the zoom setting. So, you do not have to zoom in to place a point at the route start location. This new feature also eliminates the problem where you had to put the end point "close to, but not on, the starter marker."
matber wrote:It would be great with a "Close Route" button. When running, you typically start and end at the same place. But today, to be able to have a sling, you must zoom in max and put the end marker close to, but not on, the starter marker.
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Re: New Feature Requests

Post by admin »

We just added a feature for all users which allows a preferred location to be saved. Click the "Remember" checkbox which is located immediately to the right of the "Find" button. Enter a location in the "Location" search box. Click 'Find'. A message will display once per session indicating that the location will be saved as a browser cookie. When loading the Map Pedometer website or clicking on the Home link, Map Pedometer will center the map at the selected location.
Ivanhoe wrote:Unless I overlooked it, registered user still can't set a default location.

admin wrote:The site attempts to set the initial location based on the geographic location of your IP address. If our location data provider cannot determine a location, we display a default location.

In a future update, we will allow registered users to set their default location.
B52EW wrote:Is there a way to have the map on the home page come up with my local area (versus always having to type in my local area before looking for new routes). Thanks for the great site.
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Re: New Feature Requests

Post by Ivanhoe »

I always try to have a maximum size of the map on my screen. Therfore it would be interesting to have certain buttons on the left/right and not on the top: run/walk, cycle, drive, straight line, undo last point and remove all points.
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Re: New Feature Requests

Post by jknkcanoes »

I'm using the straight line method to make river mileage maps. I'm a new user, so this may exist. I'd like to be able to edit an existing route. When reviewing an existing route I'm finding some points on land and not in the water. Can you make a selected existing route display all nodes. Then be able to move or delete some of the node points to correct the existing route.
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Re: New Feature Requests

Post by admin »

Currently, you can undo points and recreate them or drag the last point using a mouse. Editing of route points isn't supported. We hope to add that feature soon. Thank you for your suggestion.
jknkcanoes wrote:I'm using the straight line method to make river mileage maps. I'm a new user, so this may exist. I'd like to be able to edit an existing route. When reviewing an existing route I'm finding some points on land and not in the water. Can you make a selected existing route display all nodes. Then be able to move or delete some of the node points to correct the existing route.
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Re: New Feature Requests

Post by shannonhills »

Hi there.

Unless I have missed it, I can't see a way to export a route as a gpx file. I see that the activity log can be exported as a csv vile, but not the routes.

Thanks very much.
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Re: New Feature Requests

Post by sandigoldring »

The printed map with readable street names doesn't always fit on one page. It would be great if I could see/print a list of turn-by-turn instructions (like directions on googlemaps.) Better yet, an iPhone app that would let me load the route & GPS me through it with spoken directions.
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Re: New Feature Requests

Post by Ivanhoe »

Can you provide a way to search all places with the same name and then select the one you want?
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Re: New Feature Requests

Post by Ivanhoe »

Ivanhoe wrote:I always try to have a maximum size of the map on my screen. Therfore it would be interesting to have certain buttons on the left/right and not on the top: run/walk, cycle, drive, straight line, undo last point and remove all points.
I can understand you can't do this because you need to keep the ads in that place, but I would appreciate it if you could at least give me a yes, no or working on it.
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Joined: Tue May 06, 2014 3:10 am

Re: New Feature Request - Share My Routes List

Post by tped »

Perhaps this is possible, feel free to point me ...

It would be nice to share the list maintained on lower left of "My Routes" page. It appears that you have to be logged in to see list of "My Routes", an embeddable table with links to individual maps would be wonderful!

I am building quite a collection of routes that may be of use to others. It would be nice to share (for embedding) the list of routes itself. I currently maintain a separate table that links back to maps on this site (example @ Remarkably similar to the list on "My Routes" page @ ... 1400931244

Nice tool - I use it a lot. Thanks for putting it together
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